Developer diaries




Hi, I am Toon Robotics.

I was fascinated by the robot characters in the game called “Megaman” in my childhood. I love robot characters in animes, games, comics, and movies.

Such a kid became an adult and studied information technology and robotics. I started making robots. But I felt something is missing.

“It is nice to create robots that work to help people in society. But I want to create cooler and cuter robots as I dreamed of in my childhood!

When I was a child, it was just a dream, but now that I am an adult, I may be able to create the robots of my dreams!

Feeling this way, I began to create the ideal robot I envisioned.

And I would like to share this information with as many people as possible to increase the number of people who start making robots.

I want to compile information on information technology and hardware technology necessary for robot making and make it readily available at any time. I want to create an environment where anyone can start building robots casually.

With this in mind, I have launched this website.

I will provide useful information for people who want to build robots and do interesting crafts, using my own experiences. I hope that more and more people will enjoy robot building and crafting.

Aim of this website

My aim with this website named “Toon Robotics” is to

  • Information on information technology and hardware technology necessary for robot building is compiled and readily accessible at any time.
  • Create an environment where anyone can casually start building robots and making interesting crafts.

I will send out this kind of content for this.

Contents of “Toon Robotics”
  1. Introduction of hardware and mechanical information & techniques useful for robot building with practical application
  2. Introduction to programming and information technology for robot building with practical application
  3. Development diary of robots and related technologies